Community Building, Strengthening Families, and Finding Resources
Region 1

Traveling in Siskiyou with Mt. Shasta
Framed by the Cascade Range with the legendary and spiritual Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou County has a rich history of Native lands and the California Gold Rush. Each of the county’s rural towns has unique characteristics with strong community ties, spread across a geography the size of Connecticut. Today, its population is 44,076 (Census 2020).
Linking this county together is the Siskiyou Community Resource Collaborative. The Collaborative includes seven family resource centers serving rural and isolated communities of Yreka, Scott Valley, Montague, McCloud, Weed, Mt. Shasta, and Dunsmuir.
These resource centers collaborate with local churches, county agencies, healthcare providers, schools, service clubs, local foundations, and other nonprofit government organizations to offer intergenerational activity and supportive services. This model places serving individual and family needs at the core of their outreach, allowing individuals to lead healthy lives.

Navigating Resources
Each center has a navigator equipped to solve
problems – whether fulfilling basic needs such
as food or shelter, providing information on
youth mental health resources, or connecting
people to the internet.
Children’s play areas create a welcoming place for families. Health and wellness circles and activities bring people out of isolation, a problem especially among low-income seniors. In Yreka, a thrift store not only helps support the center but also provides vouchers for those in need.
The Dunsmuir Community Resource Center created an organic garden to address neighbors’ food insecurity concerns. Together with nutrition and cooking classes and lively community events, the once-empty lot has become a joyful place for people to gather and create a sense of belonging.
The garden symbolizes the Siskiyou Community Resource Collaborative’s core belief: “Healthy families = healthy communities.”
“Social connections are a big part of what we do. We want to bring people out and together so they can form their own team to support them when we are not around.”
Steven Bryan, Executive Director | Siskiyou Community Resource Collaborative
Executive Director Steven Bryan calls himself a “trusted messenger” to bridge the complexities of government resources and family needs. Steven and the Collaborative’s role as a “trusted messenger” includes strengthening relationships with local governments.
In 2023, Steven presented the State’s campaign priorities to the Yreka City Council, resulting in residents learning about the importance of water conservation and protection from extreme heat. The City Manager immediately connected with him to boost their relationship for other projects and resources.